The beef stew is a second course appreciated by different culinary cultures. Commonly prepared with beef, in some regions, the stew crosses other flavors such as veal or mutton.


The beef stew is a second course appreciated by different culinary cultures. Commonly prepared with beef, in some regions, the stew crosses other flavors such as veal or mutton.
The beef stew is a recipe that unites different countries of the world: in Hungary it is called Gulasch, while in India the Makhan Murg is made with chicken meat.
Let’s see together the classic recipe for the beef stew; the freedom to add ingredients and side dishes to make it unique is yours!

Reciper for 4 people


  • 1 kg beef,
  • 30 g flour,
  • 30 g butter,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 celery rib,
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil,
  • 1 sprig of thyme,
  • 1 sprig of rosemary,
  • 3 sage leaves,
  • 1 glass of red wine,
  • 2,5 l of Brodo di Carne Dialbrodo
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Start by heating Brodo di Carne Dialbrodo;
  2. Clean the celery, carrot, and onion and prepare a sauté.
  3. Use some kitchen string to tie together thyme, sage, and rosemary.
  4. Cut the piece of meat at your disposal into pieces of about 4-5 cm.
  5. Heat the butter and oil in a saucepan.
  6. When the pot is hot, add the celery, carrot, and onion and let them brown for about 10 minutes over low heat; if necessary, you can add some bouillon.
  7. Add the meat, season with salt and pepper, and cook for 10 minutes more raising the heat.
  8. Sprinkle the flour and let it toast for a few minutes. Stir frequently so that it does not burn.
  9. Blend with red wine and let it dry completely.
  10. Add thyme, sage, and rosemary and cover with the hot meat bouillon.
  11. Cover with the lid and let it cook over medium heat for 2 hours. Stir occasionally and check that the meat does not dry excessively; in this case, add more meat bouillon.
  12. After cooking, remove the flavorings and, if necessary, salt the meat.
  13. Your beef stew is ready to be eaten! Try it with baked potatoes or polenta.Enjoy your meal!