Fajitas are tasty strips of beef cooked in a pan, together with peppers and onion, and then wrapped in a tortilla.


Fajitas are tasty strips of beef cooked in a pan, together with peppers and onion, and then wrapped in a tortilla.

A typical dish of tex-mex cuisine, fajitas are a recipe that comes from the countries on the border between Mexico and the United States.
Fajitas are tasty strips of beef cooked in a pan, together with peppers and onion, and then wrapped in a tortilla.

The name of this dish derives from the Spanish “Faja” (strip), while its origins go back to poor Mexican cuisine. Indeed, fajitas were prepared with the meat scraps that Texas ranchers gave to workers as payment. Since the ’70s this recipe has been enjoying new fame being enriched with new ingredients, until becoming the delicious dish we know today.

So, let’s see together how to prepare delicious fajitas for a dinner with a Mexican flavour!

Recipe for 4 people


  • tortillas
  • 600 g beef meat
  • 150 g red peppers
  • 150 g yellow peppers
  • 150 g green peppers
  • 200 g white onion
  • little tomatoes
  • red beans
  • 250 ml brodo di carne liquido Dialbrodo
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • extra virgin olive oil q.s.
  • salt and pepper q.s.


  1. Cut the beef sirloin first into slices and then into strips.
  2. Put all the meat in a bowl and add salt, oil, pepper, paprika and cumin. Mix well with your hands, cover with a film and let it marinate in the fridge for an hour.
  3. Wash the peppers and onion, then cut them into slices and strips.
  4. Once the marinating time has elapsed, let it cool to room temperature.
  5. Meanwhile, heat a large pan, add a little oil, and then throw in the onion and peppers.
  6. Cook over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes, then season with salt and pepper.
  7. Add the meat to the vegetables and sauté well, adding brodo di carne liquido Dialbrodo. Let everything cook for 5-6 minutes.
  8. When the filling is cooked, it is time to assemble the fajitas. Take the meat with the vegetables and put it on a tortilla. Add cherry tomatoes and red beans. Close the tortilla and your fajitas are ready.Enjoy your meal!